Sounding out words app
Sounding out words app


These apps help kids work on practicing the alphabetic principle and help prepare kids to get ready to read. They can say if they’d like to be more challenged, less challenged, or if it’s just right. TWA has put together this review of best five phonics apps that give kids practice with basic phonics skills, including recognizing the letters of the alphabet, learning uppercase and lowercase letters, alphabet matching, and word building. Another cool feature is that at various intervals, students answer questions about how hard the questions they’ve been working on are. Explore this Favorite Phonics Games, Apps, and Websites Top Picks list of 18 tools curated. As students progress, Lalilo leans on artificial intelligence to offer students targeted exercises and repeat things as necessary. We sound off on the best bets for helping kids sound out words.

sounding out words app

The ARD performs a role analogous to Augmentative.

sounding out words app

The result of these efforts was The Sounding Out Machine the first Assistive Reading Device (or ARD).


It provides extensive coverage of every letter sound and word family, and gives students practice reading stories. Students can watch the app model how to chunk and sound out their word as many times as they like and then students can practice on their own, with their own digital word card.


Lalilo is a FREE and paid literacy app based on a K-2 scope and sequence. Bob Books Reading Magic will show your child how to: -Make the connection between letters and sounds. I’ll share 7 of the best phonics apps, as well as resources of my own that provide a digital and hands-on approach to phonics practice. Today I’m happy to share with you a variety of activities that give students the practice they need to master the phonics skills you teach. To keep things fresh and engaging for our students we must offer a range of activities that give them different ways to practice these skills. According to Wiley Blevins, a new skill should be systematically and purposefully reviewed for four to six weeks after being introduced. After learning short-vowel word families, learners will move on to beginning and ending blends, digraphs, inflectional endings, and more.Students need to spend a lot of time practicing phonics skills. Every lesson is followed by a simple story composed of the words that have just been introduced, to solidify the learning and turn the child into a reader! The lessons also present common sight words through fun co-reading poems and contain sections that encourage writing about something that has been read. It has beginning, middle and ending sounds. It was developed by a kindergarten teacher to promote beginning phonics. Comprehension is strengthened as a child matches words to pictures and engages in fun activities that provide additional practice with the newly learned words. Sound It Out on the App Store Sound It Out 4+ Word Blending Reading Skills HAVOC Designed for iPad 4.7 3 Ratings 0.99 Screenshots iPad iPhone Sound It Out is a game that will help your child discover phonics. Caution: There are a lot of trap answers. By combining these word families with simple consonant sounds, a child will begin to read words such as cat, can, and cap. Lets collect some words with the sound sl Get your little one to play this game and find out words with the sl sound. Teachers love to sit next to students and listen to them read. It helps children focus on challenging words in their texts, and then models how to sound out those words. The lessons start by systematically introducing a short-vowel word family, such as -at, -an, or -ap. The Sounding Out Machine is an Assistive Reading Device.

sounding out words app

Each workbook begins with a review of the previous lessons and steps, to make sure the child has mastered the learning before moving on to the next step.

Sounding out words app